Report an Absence

Indian Woods Attendance Procedures and Guidelines:

  • Only guardians may report their student's attendance.
  • Whether a student is coming in late, leaving early, leaving and coming back during a school day, or out for a full day, it is considered an absence.
  • Attendance must be reported by 9:15am to be recorded for the day. 
  • Our Administration asks for your assistance in helping with these procedures, as middle school is different from elementary school.
    • If attendance is reported by 9:15am, students will receive a pass to leave class at the appropriate time to meet you in the front office.
    • If student's do not have an office pass to leave class, the approved person for pick-up will need to come to the IW office and we will call your student down. 
    • We understand last minute appointments or last-minute check outs may be unavoidable. If this happens, please come directly to the IW office and we will get your student.
  • Guardians may submit attendance in advance. If you know there will be an appointment or other obligation in advance, you may always submit ahead of time and attendance will be recorded.
  • Emailing the teacher that your student will miss school/class will not excuse the absence.
    • Official school attendance is recorded and maintained by the school attendance clerk.
    • Teachers are only able to report a student as present, absent or tardy.
  • Unreported absences will be recorded as unexcused, and you will receive an automated phone call at the end of the day.
    • Please report attendance within 48 hours or we will require doctor documentation to excuse the absence per district guidelines.
  • We will only release students to individuals listed in Skyward by the students' guardian. Please be sure you check your emergency contact list and put all potential individuals who may need to pick up in your absence and delete individuals that you do not want to pick up your student.


There are only 2 ways to report absences


Español: (913) 993-0656

Attendance may not be emailed.





IMPORTANT: Please do not call the school office for attendance; we need to keep our phone lines open for non-attendance purposes. Attendance may not be emailed. Please be sure to use the attendance line or online form to submit.

Shawnee Mission School District Attendance Guidelines: The Shawnee Mission School District allows an accumulated amount of 10 days' worth of absences. Appointments and travel tend to accumulate rather quickly, therefore we ask that you try to schedule appointments for non-school days or after school hours. The district gives three holiday breaks and several days off throughout the school year, which are great days to schedule appointments and/or travel.

District Attendance Guidelines are listed in the Middle School Student Handbook (Espanol) on pages 5 and 6: Please visit the District School Calendar (Espanol)